Tuesday 3 January 2017

How the Managers are Judged

As a manager you'll find that conducting performance evaluation is one of the most difficult part of your job. What you mightn't always realize, though is that someone-somewhere is preparing to evaluate your performance as a manager as well.

So what critera are used to evaluage the performance of a manager? consider the following:

  • Are you skilled in all three of the managements roles we've been discussing interpersonal, informational and decision making?
  • Are you able to set and achieve goal on your own.
  • Do you and your team make your customer happy.
  • Do you make efficient us of the resources and talents that have been made available to you?
  • Are you capable of taking advantage of the diversity found within your work group?
  • Are you ethical in your decision making process.
If you can answer YES to all of the questions above than you're doing a pretty good job. If not, you'll need to take a step back and determine why the answer was NO. Are there things you need to change about the way you interact with your employees? should you be more controlling or give your team more free reign? Your ability to answer these question and then response to them will determine your success as a managers.


Warm Regards,
Founder- HR Talent Focus

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