Tuesday 3 January 2017

Taking a look at Anger Management

You are going to have plenty of angry moments at work. It’s inevitable. A team member might call out stick, leaving the rest of you in a lunch; an employee may become indignant or miss a deadline; or a superior might dump a project on you at the last minute .occasional bouts of anger are an undeniable part of life.

When you start feeling angry every day, however it will be time to assess whether or not you have reached an unreasonable or unmanageable level. Will you be able to catch and control your anger before it turns able to catch and control your anger before it turns into rage? Better yet, will you be able to identify misplaced anger in your employees before they go off the deep end or some sort of workplace violence occurs?

We are going to come back to the subject of anger management a quite a bit over the next few days. 

We feel that gaining a strong understanding of anger, anger management, and how it impacts workplace performance is important facet of your management training and will only serve to help you form your own unique style of leadership.

We are going to discuss the reasons why people get angry, how they deal with anger, and what you can do to control and manage situations as they arise.

Always try to reciprocate when someone does something for them. Instead of just saying thank you show your gratitude by focusing on something they want and help them with it. When you want someone else to help you, it is quiet natural that you must also be ready to help them even before they ask.

Don’t be too formal when you say thank you, it will defeat the purpose of the word and the feel which it should carry.

Author and post Maya Angelou said, “I’ve learned that people forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”.
Don’t try to be poetic while thinking something saying it directly will be suffice and will hit right in the feels.

If these simple steps can be followed, then you don’t have to hesitate when you need to ask for help the next time.


Warm Regards
Founder-HR Talent Focus

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